At the Golden Globes on Sunday, the hit musical La La Land won a staggering 7 awards, including best picture...
- La La Land is, of course, the heartbreaking story of a young man with a stutter attempting to say the word Land.
Thursday marked the first day in two years that there were no recorded murders in El Salvador....
- Unfortunately, this was due to the murder of the man in charge of keeping up with that sort of thing.
According to a new consumer report, Comcast remains America's most hated company...
- To celebrate the honor, Comcast decided to sacrifice the blood of an innocent.
- We asked Comcast to comment on the report, but they put us on hold indefinitely.
This week, in an attempt to turn the tides, Yahoo has decided to rebrand itself with a new name - Altaba...
- As in, Alta-bet this doesn't make a bit of a difference.
A new report shows that Millennials earn an average of 20% less than Baby Boomers did at the same stage in life...
- That's right, Millennials can't even afford a bootstrap to pull themselves up by.